
- Release Date
- January, 15th, 1958
- Running Time
- 117 min
- Genre
- Feature
- Color
- -
- Screening Format
- -
[ Directed by ]
[ Cast ]
[ Staff ]
- MATSUMOTO Seicho ── Original Story
- INOUE Haruji ── Cinematography
- MAYUZUMI Toshiro ── Music
[ Production Company ]
[ Distributor (Japan) ]
[ Story ]
The brutal murder of a pawn-broker in Tokyo is only partially solved with the capture of the murderer Yamada. But the search continues for his accomplice, Ishii, who is armed, with comb-like thoroughness.
Yamada's confession includes the information that Ishii has been carrying a torch for his old sweetheart, Sadako, who is now married to a widower in the city of Saga, and the two detectives Shimooka and Yuki, are convinced that Ishii will head for Saga and the woman he loves.
On arrival in Saga, the two detectives rent a room in a cheap hotel, which gives them a complete view of Sadako's home, and settle down for a long wait.
Sadako's husband is an ordinary bank clerk at least twenty years her senior, and Yuki is quick to note that the woman is not happy in her new home.
Three days pass without incident and, despite his original confidence in the success of his mission, Yuki begins to feel doubt as to whether the murderer will make on appearance.
And as he sits there staring across at the house, he recalls his own personal misgivings about Yumiko Takakura. Yumiko and Yuki had been intimate without thought of marriage and just before his departure for Saga, he had been approached with a favorable marriage proposal concerning another woman.
A week passes. One afternoon, Yuki notices Sadako slipping out of the house through the back door and following her, he finds her boarding a bus for the local hot-spring resort.
When he finds Sadako together with Ishii in the woods near the hot-spring resort, he is surprised to see that she is radiant with happiness. But while his attention is distracted, the couple disappear from sight. After a frantic search he locates them; but now there is a complete change in their whole attitude. They seem desperate and resigned to whatever fate may have in store. Sadako vows never to return to her husband and begs Ishii to take her away with him.
When Ishii steps out of the hot-spring bath-room Shimooka and Yuki quietly place him under arrest.
Yuki whispers to Sadoko to take the bus and return home to her husband as if nothing had happened.
And as the captive Ishii and the detectives await their train for Tokyo, Yuki having made up his mind to marry Yumiko and slips off to telegraph her that he is on his way home.
【Quoted from Unijapan Film Quarterly 1958 1.1】
[ Contact (International) ]
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