Zoku Ningen no joken
Road to Eternity

- Release Date
- November, 20th, 1959
- Running Time
- 181 min
- Genre
- Feature
- Color
- -
- Screening Format
- -
[ Directed by ]
[ Cast ]
[ Staff ]
- GOMIKAWA Junpei ── Original Story
- MIYAJIMA Yoshio ── Cinematography
- KINOSHITA Chuji ── Music
[ Production Company ]
[ Distributor (Japan) ]
[ Story ]
"Road to Eternity" is the sequel to No Greater Love in which the wide-screen process plus striking black-white photography vividly depicts the unbelievable, irrational, and inhuman practices of an army at war.
For suspected Red sympathies, Kaji has been drafted into a unit of the Japanese Imperial Kwangtung Army where his theories concerning the value of the individual are, of course, extremely unpopular.
His border unit is attacked without warning by mechanized Russian forces and is wiped out in a matter of minutes. The puny rifles and machines guns with which they are armed are no match for the enormous tanks which advance upon them. Kaji alone crawls out of his fox-hole and wanders over the deserted battlefield in search of survivors. There are none to reply to his call.
【Quoted from Unijapan Film Quarterly 1960 3.1】
[ Contact (International) ]
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tel: +81-3-5550-1623
fax: +81-3-5550-1654
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