Ningen no joken
No Greater Love

- Release Date
- January, 15th, 1959
- Running Time
- 208 min
- Genre
- Feature
- Color
- -
- Screening Format
- -
[ Directed by ]
[ Cast ]
[ Staff ]
- GOMIKAWA Junpei ── Original Story
- MIYAJIMA Yoshio ── Cinematography
- KINOSHITA Chuji ── Music
[ Production Company ]
[ Distributor (Japan) ]
[ Story ]
Director Masaki Kobayashi says of this film:
"My chief reason for making a motion picture of "Ningen no Joken" was probably the fact that I, too, went through similar experiences like Kaji during the war. And through the character of Kaji I wished to bring back to vivid reality, the many tragic experiences of men who wasted their best years fighting a war against their will if only because co-operation with the war effort was the only way in which to live out the chaotic period. Kaji goes forth to battle to fight a war of aggression to protect his loving wife; he is at once the oppressed and the oppressor …fighting valiantly to combine the two roles into one despite the dilemma involved. In the end he faces the realization that he cannot escape the brand of oppressor without himself becoming one of the oppressed and he ends up proving this fact. This tragic dual nature inherent in Kaji is something which all Japanese experienced…some more than others…during the war years."
【Quoted from Unijapan Film Quarterly 1959 2.2】
[ Contact (International) ]
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