Waga koi waga uta
The Song from My Heart

- Release Date
- October, 29th, 1969
- Running Time
- 99 min
- Genre
- Feature
- Color
- -
- Screening Format
- -
[ Directed by ]
[ Cast ]
[ Staff ]
- YOSHINO Hideo ── Original Story
- YAMAGUCHI Hitomi ── Original Story
- YOSHINO Soji ── Original Story
[ Production Company ]
[ Distributor (Japan) ]
[ Story ]
Lisa Jacobsen, a student from Sweden, is studying in one of Kenji (Muga Takewaki)'s classes and when she learns that his father is Hideo Yoshino (Kanzaburo Nakamura), the famous poet, she is very anxious to meet him.
Yoshino writes of love in many forms - that of young people, man and wife, parents and children, brothers and sisters, and love among friends.
Yoshino's first marriage with Hatsuko (Kaoru Yachigusa) had been ideal and they were blessed with three children, Motoko (Sanae Kitabayashi), Koichi (Katsuo Nakamura), and Kenji. These were also fruitful years for Yoshino as a poet. They were poor but Hatsuko always managed to make both ends meet and home was happy and filled with laughter.
With Hatsuko's death and the aftermath of World War II, Yoshino had been too busy looking after his brood to write. It was only after his marriage to Tomiko (Shima Iwashita), who had come first as a housekeeper, that any semblance of peace had returned to him.
Motoko is now married but does not come home. Fiercely loyal to the memory of her gentle mother, she had always repulsed any overtures from Tomiko. Koichi, with only one lung, is still in a sanatorium. Kenji is the only one living at home. But the house is very quiet and there is no laughter.
Tomiko proves a good wife to Yoshino. She understands him and he comes and goes as he pleases, taking trips when the mood seizes him. To Tomiko's relief, Koichi and Kenji like her, but both have an inferiority complex where their father is concerned.
Both sons live in the shadow of their father's greatness, although they try hard to be worthy of him. Finally, on his deathbed, Yoshino is reconciled with his sons and leaves one last beautiful poem to posterity.
【Quoted from Unijapan Film Quarterly 1970 13.1】
[ Contact (International) ]
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