Genius Party Beyond / Genius Party Beyond

(c)Genius Party Beyond

(c)Genius Party Beyond

(c)Genius Party Beyond

(c)Genius Party Beyond
- Release Date
- October, 11th, 2008
- Running Time
- Color
- Color
- Screening Format
- 35mm,Blu-ray, DVD
- Screening Format with Subtitles
- English (Blu-ray)
[ Directed by ]
[ Cast ]
[ Staff ]
- NAKAZAWA Kazuto ── Storyboard
- NAKAZAWA Kazuto ── Character Design
- NAKAZAWA Kazuto ── Animation Director
- NAKAZAWA Kazuto ── Key Animator
- NISHIDA Minoru ── Art Director
- HIROTA Yusuke ── CGI Director
- Warsaw Village Band ── Music
[ Production Company ]
Beyond C.
[ Distributor (Japan) ]
Beyond C.
[ Production Studio ]
Beyond C.
[ Story ]
In a city on the surface of the moon, people who have gotten hold of a map showing the location of a legendary treasure go on an adventure. Nakazawa Kazuto did the animation section of Kill Bill. Jiko (voice: Furuta Arata) is one of four desperados who have made a name for themselves in a lunar city. One day, they get a worn map showing the location of a legendary treasure. They head for the destination, but many trials await them along the way. Short film in animation studio STUDIO4℃'s omnibus Genius Party Beyond.
[ Official Site ]
[ Contact (International) ]
STUDIO4℃ Co., Ltd.
Attn: INOGUCHI Ayumi
tel: +81 422 50 4044
fax: +81 422 50 4048