Rikugun Nakano gakko
The School of Spies

- Release Date
- June, 4th, 1966
- Running Time
- 96 min
- Genre
- Feature
- Color
- Monochrome
- Screening Format
- Screen Size
- Cinema Scope (1:2.35)
[ Directed by ]
[ Cast ]
[ Staff ]
- HOSHIKAWA Seiji ── Screenplay
- YAMAUCHI Tadashi ── Music
- KOBAYASHI Setsuo ── Cinematography
[ Production Company ]
[ Distributor (Japan) ]
[ Story ]
In 1938 the Imperial Japanese Army opened the famous Nakano school, an organization devoted to the training of spies. The men were all hand picked including one (Raizo Ichikawa, star of Kon Ichikawa's "Conflagration"). Cut off from the world for a year while training his character changes. In the meantime his sweetheart he left behind is attempting to find him. But when the time comes, he has so changed tand can kill her without remorse. The film is directed by Yasuzo Masumura who made the exceptional anti-war comedy, "The Hoodlum Soldier".
【Quoted from the database of Kadokawa Corporation】
【Quoted from Unijapan Film Quarterly 1966 9.4】
[ Contact (International) ]
International Sales, Motion Picture Business
2-13-3 Fujimi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 102-8177
Rep: NATSUNO Takeshi (President)
Attn: MORI Chiyo
tel: +81 50 1746 1220
E-mail: mori-c@kadokawa.jp